Monday, September 21, 2020

Too Much Space Is Now Just the Right Amount

 For years now, commercial real estate users have been looking to divest property and downsize in square footage.  This trend picked up rapidly as the pandemic set in, and workers began telecommuting from home.  Once we started to take a long view, however, things changed.

Now we can see far enough ahead to realize that bigger buildings may be an asset.  It allows all kinds of users to have space for their workforce to spread out, or for retail tenants like exercise studios or restaurants to occupy enough real estate to have customers socially distance.  As I've been writing for months now, warehouses were already hot, because of the trend toward ecommerce and the need for distribution hubs.  Now we know that they can also be repurposed for other buyers and tenants.  

As we work our way toward the new normal, whatever that turns out to be, the lack of new supply will force creativity on the part of property owners and investors.  New businesses are springing up, and people are finding ways to work and play in new circumstances.  We can see that there may be a demand for space for learning pods for students, for telecommuters who don't want to or cannot work from home, for pick up and drop off sites for businesses that want customers to be able to stay apart while doing errands, for studio space serving online business and arts production, and for last-mile delivery hubs for all kinds of products.  Can you imagine a giant warehouse full of toilet paper?  If you can, you are probably not alone.  

The world has changed in so many ways, but the creativity and resilience of entrepreneurs and existing industries will be up to the task of figuring out a path forward.  If you are a property seeker, or an investor, location should still be a key factor.  However, don't pay as much attention to size, condition, or current usage.  Whatever you have, a buyer or tenant is probably out there looking for something like it.  And those buyers will certainly have favorable financing terms today.  So think about now as a great time to sell, lease, or sublet. There's no time like the present!

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