Tuesday, June 30, 2020

No Summer Lull This Year

We may have lost the spring real estate season, but we aren't losing the summer!  Our leads on LoopNet are the most plentiful they've ever been, and our agents are busy.  Given the uncertainty of the pandemic's return, this is either the calm after the storm, or the calm before the second storm (or both).  In either case, buyers are out looking.  

Many of them are thinking that properties will be available at rock-bottom rates, but, as with residential, the supply is too thin for that to be so.  Some lookers are New Yorkers, seeking to move businesses, or just invest where they may have a second home. Some buyers are local, and know that certain property types are hard to find.  The investors may be from anywhere, and we've been finding that they look at many offerings at once, often of completely different types.  

Connecticut, after decades of coming out on the losing end of many measuring metrics, such as job growth or personal income growth, is now enjoying its moment in the sun, as the state that is beating back COVID.  Isn't it nice to be good at something?  So keep wearing those masks, people, so that the buyers stay active and well, and the sellers do too.  That way, everyone wins.

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